
Javascript local static variable

Not sure I completely understand answers to similar questions that I found here, so trying to be absolutely sure:

I would like to have a local variable in a function, initialized only once (similar to static variables in strongly-typed languages such as C, C++, etc).

Of course, I could declare it globally, but it seems better practice to have it within the scope of that function, since it is not used anywhere else.

Now, here is what I do:

function func(data) {
    func.PARAMS = [
        {"name": "from", "size": 160, "indexed": true},
        {"name": "input", "size": 256, "indexed": false},
        {"name": "output", "size": 256, "indexed": false},

And my question is, will func.PARAMS indeed be initialized only once, or will it be initialized every time the function is called?

According to some of the answers that I found (this one for example), I need to precede the initialization with something like:

if (typeof func.PARAMS == 'undefined')

This "supplemental" would be irrelevant in strongly-typed languages of course, so I just want to be sure that it is absolutely necessary in order to ensure "static behavior" (i.e., one-time initialization).


  • In addition to using properties of the function object, as you do in your example, there are 3 other ways to emulate function-local static variables in Javascript.

    All of them rely on a closure, but using different syntax.

    Method 1 (supported in old browsers):

    var someFunc1 = (function(){
        var staticVar = 0 ;
        return function(){
            alert(++staticVar) ;
    })() ;
    someFunc1() ; //prints 1
    someFunc1() ; //prints 2
    someFunc1() ; //prints 3

    Method 2 (also supported in old browsers):

    var someFunc2 ;
        var someFunc2 = function(){
            alert(++staticVar) ;
        } ;
    someFunc2() ; //prints 1
    someFunc2() ; //prints 2
    someFunc2() ; //prints 3

    Method 3 (requires support for EcmaScript 2015):

        let staticVar = 0 ;
        function someFunc3(){
            alert(++staticVar) ;
    someFunc3() ; //prints 1
    someFunc3() ; //prints 2
    someFunc3() ; //prints 3

    Method 3 for strict mode:

    'use strict'
        let staticVar = 0 ;
        var someFunc3 = function(){
            alert(++staticVar) ;
        } ;
    someFunc3() ; //prints 1
    someFunc3() ; //prints 2
    someFunc3() ; //prints 3