Is there some way to use libav/avconv to duplicate the effect of the tile filter in FFMPEG?
I'm trying to create a strip of images from left to right with one image for every ten seconds of video input.
My plan is to first generate the images and then create the image strip. Preferably I want to use libav over ffmpeg. So far I have created this:
avconv -i video.mp4 -vf scale=320:-1,fps=1/10 -q:v 6 img%03d.jpg
which creates the images. But then I only know how create the image with ffmpeg using:
ffmpeg -i img%03d.jpg -filter_complex tile=6x1 output.jpg
So if anyone has any tips on how to rewrite the just the second or both commands to use avconv I welcome any advise :)
As libav/avconv did not have any filters supporting my requirements in any easy way switching to a static build of ffmpeg
was the simplest solution.
The commands then became:
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vf scale=320:-1,fps=1/10 -q:v 6 img%03d.jpg
ffmpeg -i img%03d.jpg -filter_complex tile=6x1 output.jpg