
Performing MANOVA on tidy data in R

I am trying to perform a MANOVA on a tidy dataframe that looks somewhat like the following. "id" refers to the participant number. The independent variables are "init_cont" (with values of I or K) and "family" (with values of C, S, or D), making for a 2x3 design. The column "qnumber" refers to the number of the question participants answer, with each participant answering 3 questions. "value" is each participant's response to a particular question.

id  init_cont  family  qnumber  value
1   I          C       1        3.5
1   I          C       2        2
1   I          C       3        4
2   K          C       1        2
2   K          C       2        5
2   K          C       3        3
3   K          S       1        4.5
3   K          S       2        5
3   K          S       3        3
4   K          D       1        1
4   K          D       2        7.5
4   K          D       3        3

What is the best way for me to perform a MANOVA on this data? I am interested in the interactions between the independent variables and how they impact the "value" for each of the 3 questions. In case it is relevant, my actual dataset has 14 different questions.

I have considered reorganizing the data in the following format, but I am unsure how to do this in R. The numbers after "value" in each new column are from "qnumber".

id  init_cont  family  value1  value2  value3
1   I          C       3.5     2       4
2   K          C       2       5       3
3   K          S       4.5     5       3
4   K          D       1       7.5     3


  • dplyr::spread does the first part of your problem easily.

    df %>% spread(qnumber, value)
    #   id init_cont family   1   2 3
    # 1  1         I      C 3.5 2.0 4
    # 2  2         K      C 2.0 5.0 3
    # 3  3         K      S 4.5 5.0 3
    # 4  4         K      D 1.0 7.5 3

    Here is the reproducible data.

    t <- 'id  init_cont  family  qnumber  value
    1   I          C       1        3.5
    1   I          C       2        2
    1   I          C       3        4
    2   K          C       1        2
    2   K          C       2        5
    2   K          C       3        3
    3   K          S       1        4.5
    3   K          S       2        5
    3   K          S       3        3
    4   K          D       1        1
    4   K          D       2        7.5
    4   K          D       3        3'
    df <- read.table(text = t, header = TRUE)