
x64 applications using gdi+: what are the consequences on performance?

I am currently implementing an ASP.Net application which is using GDI+ to do server-side rendering. First versions were dependent on a 32 bits unmanaged component, so all the managed assembly were compiled for x86 platform. Lastly I got rid of this dependency and am now able to set the target platform to AnyCPU. Since the application can potentially be used to handle a lot of data, being able to run it in 64 bits may be useful. However I read there is a performance decrease when using GDI+ on x64 platform, but was not able to have detailed information about it.

What are the performance issues I should be aware of in order to know if running in 64 bits worth the performance cost?


  • Ok, I had wrong information: after profiling a GDI+ application compiled both for x86 and x64 it appears that the performance are the same for each platform. I do not remember where I read that first, but it is a good reminder of the "assume nothing before seeing" moto.
    It's good to have a definitive answer to my question though!