I am getting syntax error on the line "module usingTable : TABLE =" and the word usingTable is highlighted red when I try to run this code in oCaml. I want to create table of the format as in the execution example bellow. What is wrong with it? The environment I am using is this one https://try.ocamlpro.com/fun-demo/tryocaml_index.html#path%3Dtries as I couldn't understand how to use cygwin or oCaml Bash in windows.
module type TABLE =
type table
val emptyTable : table
val printTable : table -> string
val create_table : string * string list * (string list) list -> table
module usingTable : TABLE =
let emptyTable = ()
let table = (string * (string * string list) list)
let rec printTable aTable = match aTable with
| (title, [data]) -> "\n"^title^"\n\n"^printTable(data)
| [(col,cont)::t] -> col^" "^printTable([t])
let atable = usingTable.emptyTable;;
let atable = ("Student", [("Id", ["2";"4";"7";"9"]);
("Name", ["Jim";"Linnea";"Steve";"Hannah"]);
print_string (usingTable.printTable atable) ;;
As suggested in my comment, you may want to take a look at some additional references before focusing again on this code example (which contained not only syntax errors but also type errors).
For example, I'd suggest the following links: