We service multiple clients. One feature we want to offer is an android application which allows the client to custom brand the application (icons, logos, names, etc).
Here are a few stipulations.
Yes, I know it's a PITA to build it this way, but our clients don't want customers of other clients to know they are also our client.
So, what is the best way to build an easily brandable application with as little strain on the developer's sanity as possible?
I would start by developing a script for a global re-name, since you'll need that anyway (can be done fairly simply with find, xargs and sed)
You'll need tools for making the customizations to resources, that could be the SDK & Eclipse plug-in
Perhaps you could create some kind of wizard extending the Eclipse plug-in.
Or with a lot of work but easier usage, you could do something stand alone that drives the necessary command line tools to build the generated package.