I have been working on Seaside 3.1 for a couple of days and I'm trying to design a simple TicTacToe with Ajax.
It works great without ajax with this code:
renderContentOn: html
html heading: 'Tictactoe'.
form: [
1 to: 3 do: [ :row |
1 to: 3 do: [ :col |
html imageButton
url: (tictactoe imageCase: row * 10 + col);
callback: [ tictactoe playsX: row playsY: col ] ].
html break ] ]
and with ajax it doesn't work at all, though the page doesn't refresh as expected. The imageButton never changes for a simple image with another url.
The goal is just to swap the imageButton for an image with another url when I click on it.
Here's where I am with my code:
renderContentOn: html
html heading: 'Tictactoe'.
1 to: 3 do: [ :row |
1 to: 3 do: [ :col |
html imageButton
url: (tictactoe imageCase: row * 10 + col);
id: 'case' , row asString , col asString;
(html scriptaculous updater
id: 'case' , row asString , col asString;
callback: [ :r |
tictactoe playsX: row playsY: col.
r render: (html image url: (tictactoe imageCase: row * 10 + col)) ];
return: false) ].
html break ]
I am new and not very good with this technology, therefore I am ready to hear any answer, advice or guidance.
I would like to thank you in advance, have a good day.
My first suggestion would be to drop Scriptaculous and use JQuery instead, the former isn't developed anymore while JQuery is maintained daily and is supported by Seaside as well.
renderContentOn: html
html heading: 'Tictactoe'.
1 to: 3 do: [ :row |
1 to: 3 do: [ :col |
html imageButton
id: 'case' , row asString , col asString;
url: (tictactoe imageCase: row * 10 + col);
(html jQuery ajax
callback: [ tictactoe playsX: row playsY: col ];
script: [ :s |
((html jQuery id: 'case' , row asString , col asString)
replaceWith: [ :h |
h image url: (tictactoe imageCase: row * 10 + col) ]) ])].
html break ]
The key is in the onClick:
handler, where you pass a JQuery Ajax object that executes a callback on the server and then returns a script (JS) whose content have the instructions to replace an element with certain id (an imageButton with id 'case' , row asString , col asString
) by what is rendered by the replaceWith:
render block..
You can even go a little further and merge both the callback:
and script:
into a single call as follows:
(html jQuery ajax
script: [ :s |
tictactoe playsX: row playsY: col.
s << ((html jQuery id: 'case' , row asString , col asString)
replaceWith: [ :h |
h image url: (tictactoe imageCase: row * 10 + col) ]) ])].