
Image Thumbnail Load behaviour (Pretty Photo Lightbox functionality preferred)

I'm trying to make a picture portfolio like the first demo example on this page . However, instead of have it invoke an image when clicked it takes me to another page, I'd like it to have a pop up image instead. I had already checked possibilities in theme settings but none available.

This is the link to the Page with this behaviour. You will realise that once u click on the gallery image item it sends you to another page using this

<a itemprop="url" class="eltdf-pli-link" href="" target="_self"></a> 

linked element to image. This is an unexpected behaviour

How it should behave

I would appreciate a behaviour similar to that on this page instead

Once you click on an image it should invoke a bigger image from thumbnail. I see it uses

<a itemprop="image" title="portfolio-single-13" data-rel="prettyPhoto[single_pretty_photo]" href="">
    <img itemprop="image" src="" alt="s" />

It uses the prettyPhoto element instead of linking to the href. How do i adopt this ? Some quick workarounds, examples will be appreciated.


  • Issue was solved by changing some dynamic settings in theme.