Our Grails 2.5 web application has REST API.
We need to start a new version of the API so a group was created in UrlMappings.groovy
like this:
group ("/v2") {
"/documents"(resources: 'document') {
"/meta"(resource: 'documentInfo', includes: ['show', 'update'])
"/folders"(resources: 'folder')
apiVersion = 2
The thing is that parameter apiVersion
is not defined in params
in controller actions.
The parameter is properly set if it is defined in each of the resources like this:
group ("/v2") {
"/documents"(resources: 'document') {
"/meta"(resource: 'documentInfo', includes: ['show', 'update']) {
apiVersion = 2
apiVersion = 2
"/folders"(resources: 'folder') {
apiVersion = 2
How can I properly define a parameter on the group level?
Workaround will be using namespace... although my attempt to define it at group level wont work but you can give a try. But defining at resource level works even for nested resources.
group ("/v2") {
"/documents"(resources: 'document', namespace:'v2') {
"/meta"(resource: 'documentInfo', includes: ['show', 'update'])
"/folders"(resources: 'folder', , namespace:'v2')