I have a grails code for a POST type REST call where I pass the login parameters and it was to receive the token and an access route, it is correct, both by Postman that I get these parameters right, and by the code also after all, it does not fall no catch for error handling.
The answer I get from Posman goes something like this:
"access_token": "and ... 2",
"instance_url": "http: \ / \ / m ... \ / .. c"
This is the one excerpt from my grails code:
def http = new HTTPBuilder (sf_login_domain)
def postBody = [
grant_type: 'password',
client_id: consumer_key,
client_secret: consumer_secret,
username: auth_username,
password: auth_password
try {
http.post (path: 'ApplyLogin', body: postBody, requestContentType: URLENC) {
resp, json ->
log.debug "** access_token: $ {json.access_token}, instance_domain: $ {json.instance_url}"
access_token = json.access_token
instance_domain = json.instance_url + "/"
returnLogin = ['access_token': access_token, 'instance_domain': instance_domain]
catch (Exception e) {
log.error "** Error code: $ {e}"
log.error "** Post form: $ {postBody}"
But my debug line log.debug "** access_token: $ {json.access_token}, instance_domain: $ {json.instance_url}"
, returns me the empty JSon parameter.
Can anyone point out to me what I'm doing wrong? If there is another way to do this call in grails, or am I getting the answer incorrectly?
I can do the post quietly by Postman, I think maybe it's because I step in the Headers parameter Content-Type = 'application/json'
, does anyone know how to do this in grails with HTTPBuilder
My code class.groovy completed
package crm.emp
import groovyx.net.http.HTTPBuilder
import groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException
import static groovyx.net.http.ContentType.URLENC
import static groovyx.net.http.Method.POST
import static groovyx.net.http.Method.GET
import static groovyx.net.http.Method.PATCH
import static groovyx.net.http.ContentType.JSON
class CrmService {
def grailsApplication
static transactional = true
def login() {
log.info "* Login"
def sf_login_domain = grailsApplication.config.crm.sf_login_domain
def consumer_key = grailsApplication.config.crm.consumer_key
def consumer_secret = grailsApplication.config.crm.consumer_secret
def auth_username = grailsApplication.config.crm.auth_username
def auth_password = grailsApplication.config.crm.auth_password
def retornoLogin
def access_token
def instance_domain
//Request Access_token and instance domain for work
def http = new HTTPBuilder(sf_login_domain)
def postBody = [
grant_type: 'password',
client_id: consumer_key,
client_secret: consumer_secret,
username: auth_username,
password: auth_password
try {
http.post( path : 'EfetuarLogin', contentType :JSON, body : postBody) {
resp, json ->
log.debug "** json: ${json.EfetuarLogin}"
log.debug "** access_token: ${json.EfetuarLogin.access_token}, instance_domain: ${json.EfetuarLogin.instance_url}"
access_token = json.EfetuarLogin.access_token
instance_domain = json.EfetuarLogin.instance_url
coss.Parametro.executeUpdate("update Parametro p set p.valor='$access_token' where p.chave='ACCESS_TOKEN_SALES_FORCE'")
coss.Parametro.executeUpdate("update Parametro p set p.valor='$instance_domain' where p.chave='INSTANCE_DOMAIN_SALES_FORCE'")
retornoLogin = ['access_token':access_token, 'instance_domain':instance_domain]
catch(Exception e){
log.error "** Error code: ${e}"
log.error "** Post form: ${postBody}"
return retornoLogin
def verificaAcessoCrm() {
log.info "* VerificaAcessoCrm - teste 29"
def access_token = coss.Parametro.findByChave('ACCESS_TOKEN_SALES_FORCE')?.valor
def instance_domain = coss.Parametro.findByChave('INSTANCE_DOMAIN_SALES_FORCE')?.valor
def retornoLogin
if(access_token && instance_domain) {
def http = new HTTPBuilder(instance_domain)
def postBody = [
try {
http.post( path : 'VerificarAcesso', contentType:JSON, body : postBody) {
resp, json ->
access_token = json.VerificarAcesso.access_token
instance_domain = json.VerificarAcesso.instance_domain
retornoLogin = ['access_token':access_token, 'instance_domain':instance_domain]
catch(Exception e){
log.error "** Error code: ${e}"
log.error "** Post form: ${postBody}"
retornoLogin = login()
retornoLogin = login()
log.debug "** RetornoLogin: ${retornoLogin}"
return retornoLogin
def atualizaPedidoCrm(numeroCRM, dataFim, codigo, nfe, series, danfeEmitido, boletoEmitido, formaDeEnvio) {
log.info "* AtualizaPedidoCrm"
log.debug "** DataFim: ${dataFim}, codigo:${codigo}, nfe:${nfe}, danfeEmitido:${danfeEmitido}, boletoEmitido:${boletoEmitido}, formaDeEnvio:${formaDeEnvio}"
def urlOpportunity
def verificaAcessoCrm = verificaAcessoCrm()
def access_token = verificaAcessoCrm.access_token
def instance_domain = verificaAcessoCrm.instance_domain
if(access_token && instance_domain && dataFim) {
// urlOpportunity = buscaPedidoCrm(numeroCRM, access_token, instance_domain)
// busca o pedido com os campos da nota
urlOpportunity = buscaPedidoCrmENfe(numeroCRM, access_token, instance_domain)
log.info "** UrlOpportunity: ${urlOpportunity}"
if(urlOpportunity) {
if (urlOpportunity?.nfe1 == nfe.toString()+'-'+series.toString() ||
urlOpportunity?.nfe2 == nfe.toString()+'-'+series.toString() ||
urlOpportunity?.nfe3 == nfe.toString()+'-'+series.toString()){
return 0
def postBody = []
if(urlOpportunity?.nfe1 == null || urlOpportunity?.nfe1 == ''){
postBody = [
Foi_expedido__c: true,
Nota_fiscal_emitida__c: danfeEmitido,
Boleto_enviado__c: boletoEmitido,
else if(urlOpportunity?.nfe2 == null || urlOpportunity?.nfe2 == ''){
postBody = [
else if(urlOpportunity?.nfe3 == null || urlOpportunity?.nfe3 == ''){
postBody = [
def http = new HTTPBuilder(instance_domain)
try {
http.post( path : "AtualizarPedido/"+urlOpportunity.url, contentType:JSON, body : postBody) {
resp, json ->
log.info "** Status: $resp.status"
catch(Exception e){
log.error "** Error code: ${e}"
log.error "** Post form: ${postBody}"
def buscaDadosCrm(numeroCRM) {
log.info "* BuscaDadosCrm - Consultar Pedido"
log.debug "** numeroCRM: ${numeroCRM}"
def verificaAcessoCrm = verificaAcessoCrm()
def access_token = verificaAcessoCrm.access_token
def instance_domain = verificaAcessoCrm.instance_domain
def formaDeEnvio
def tipoVenda
def pedidoRelacionadoCrm
def http = new HTTPBuilder(instance_domain)
def postBody = [
try {
http.post( path : 'ConsultarPedido', contentType:JSON, body : postBody) {
resp, json ->
formaDeEnvio = json.ConsultarPedido.meio_envio_COSS__c
tipoVenda = json.ConsultarPedido.Tipo_de_Pedido__c
pedidoRelacionadoCrm = json.ConsultarPedido.Numero_do_pedido_na_OBS__c
log.debug "** Forma de envio: $formaDeEnvio | Tipo Venda: $tipoVenda | Pedido Relacionado: $pedidoRelacionadoCrm"
catch(Exception e){
log.error "** Error code: ${e}"
log.error "** Post form: ${postBody}"
return [formadeEnvio:formaDeEnvio, tipoVenda:tipoVenda, pedidoRelacionadoCrm:pedidoRelacionadoCrm]
/*def buscaPedidoCrm(numeroCRM, access_token, instance_domain) {
log.info '*buscaPedidoCrm'
log.debug "* numeroCRM: ${numeroCRM}"
def url
def http = new HTTPBuilder(instance_domain)
http.request(GET,JSON) { req ->
uri.path = 'consultarpedido/'+numeroCRM
headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer $access_token"
response.success = { resp, json ->
assert resp.status == 200
url = json.attributes.url
response.failure = { resp, json ->
log.debug "$resp.status"
//log.debug "$json?.errorCode"
//log.debug "$json?.message"
log.debug "*url: $url"
return url
// metodo adiconada pois a Sin (Brill e Luciana) querem garvar mais de uma nota
def buscaPedidoCrmENfe(numeroCRM, access_token, instance_domain){
log.info "* BuscaPedidoCrmENfe - Consultar Notas"
log.debug "** NumeroCRM: ${numeroCRM}"
def url
def nfe_1
def nfe_2
def nfe_3
def http = new HTTPBuilder(instance_domain)
def postBody = [
try {
http.post( path : 'ConsultarNotas', contentType:JSON, body : postBody) {
resp, json ->
url = json.ConsultarNotas.attributes.url
nfe_1 = json.ConsultarNotas.N_mero_da_Nota_Fiscal__c
nfe_2 = json.ConsultarNotas.N_mero_da_Nota_Fiscal_2__c
nfe_3 = json.ConsultarNotas.N_mero_da_Nota_Fiscal_3__c
log.debug "** Url: $url | Nfe1: $nfe_1 | Nfe2: $nfe_2 | NFfe3: $nfe_3 "
catch(Exception e){
log.error "** Error code: ${e}"
log.error "** Post form: ${postBody}"
return [url:url, nfe1:nfe_1, nfe2:nfe_2, nfe3:nfe_3]
Update the call so it looks like:
http.post (path: 'ApplyLogin', body: postBody, contentType:JSON, requestContentType: URLENC) {
HTTPBuilder hb = new HTTPBuilder( url )
hb.request( POST, JSON ){ req ->
uri.path = 'EfetuarLogin'
body = [ "grant_type": "password",
"client_id": "xxx",
"client_secret": "yyy",
"username": "zzz",
"password": "*****" ]
response.success = { resp, json -> println json }
prints out:
{access_token=xxx-yyy-zzz....., instance_url=some_url}