
How can I improve in Delphi Programming?

Ok, so I've been doing Delphi Programming for 3-4 years now and consider myself an intermediate-level application designer with a sound understanding of concepts. But how do I get better? I've just been looking at the source of a couple of components I use quite often (virtualtreeview,asynccalls) and the code in there just stumps me. Yes, I can understand parts of it, but other things just go right over my head.

So where are the best resources to improve my programming ability? Books, blogs, or other sources of information?


  • Programming skills are like muscles; the best way to improve them is by exercising them. If you want to learn to be a better coder, work on a harder project than you've worked on before. Come up with an idea for something you'd like to write, but don't really know how to do, and start writing. Once you run up against concepts that you don't understand, research them, and you'll end up adding new concepts and skills to your repertoire.