I use Game Exporter to export my animation a lot. But I'm tired of selecting File > Game Exporter from the main menu.
Can I use mel script to open Game Exporter? Or even better, can I use the mel script to automatically generate the input for Game Exporter (For example: automatically input Export path, Animation name, Export selection only,...)?
Can I use mel script to open Game Exporter?
Open game exporter
Or even better, can I use the mel script to automatically generate the input for Game Exporter (For example: automatically input Export path, Animation name, Export selection only,...)?
Export path
(Set to "E:/aaa")
setAttr -type "string" gameExporterPreset2.exportPath "E:/aaa";
Animation name
(Set to "aaa")
gameExp_SetUniqueAnimationClipName 0"aaa"gameExporterWindow|gameExporterTabFormLayout|gameExporterTabLayout|gameExporterAnimationTab|anim_gameExporterMainFormLayout|anim_gameExporterExportTypeFormLayout|formLayout344|anim_gameFbxExporterAnimClipFrameLayout|anim_gameFbxExporterAnimClipFormLayout|anim_gameFbxExporterScrollLayout|formLayout345|textField20;
But this is not really effective, because of the hard code: formLayout344|
, formLayout345|textField20
. Must find a way to make it dynamic.
So use this instead
setAttr -type "string" gameExporterPreset2.exportFilename "aaa";
Export selection only
setAttr("gameExporterPreset2.exportSetIndex") 2;
Here is how I figure it out: I check all the records of Mel.