
"is translated here but not found in default locale" error in strings.xml with translatable="false"

Here is my values\strings.xml (the default file) and everything is self explanatory: enter image description here

My question(s):

  1. How can it be "not found in default locale" if I am editing the default locale (values\strings.xml)?
  2. How can it be a lint translation error if I set translatable="false"? In the values-pl\strings.xml (and values-ru, values-iw folders as well) the strings don't exist even? it shouldn't anyway.
  3. I can't seem to understand why I don't get the error for the Russian string.

(I would show the values-ru\string.xml or values-pl\string.xml here but there is nothing there of interest, since the strings are missing anyway...)


  • this happened to me too

    I do 2 things: