
Spring batch: Retry job if does not complete in particular time

I am working on a Spring batch application where I have used RetryTemplate with SimpleRetryPolicy.

In this application, ItemProcessor usually takes 30-35 mins to complete a particular task. But sometimes, it takes from than 2hrs to complete that same task.

Is there a way to retry my ItemProcessor, if the assigned task is not completed within given time period?

I am looking for some Java/Spring in-build functionality instead of writing my own timeout logic.


  • You can define transactional-attributes to a given step. (https://docs.spring.io/spring-batch/trunk/reference/htmlsingle/#transactionAttributes)

    Transaction attributes can be used to control the isolation, propagation, and timeout settings.

    <step id="step1">
          <chunk reader="itemReader" writer="itemWriter" commit-interval="2"/>
          <transaction-attributes isolation="DEFAULT"

    If you're using Java configuration check https://stackoverflow.com/a/23921558/1942642.