In my Stencil I have many shapes of type basic.Circle which work great so far with codes similar to the following one:
new joint.shapes.basic.Circle({
size: { width: 5, height: 3 },
attrs: {
circle: { width: 50, height: 30, fill: '#602320' },
text: { text: 'START', fill: '#ffffff', 'font-size': 10, stroke: '#000000', 'stroke-width': 0 }
For example this code creates this shape:
Now I want to create a shape with exactly the same attributes but with setting a specific type inside the definiition of this shape (type: "basic.Jump"
As a result the new code will be the following:
new joint.shapes.basic.Circle({
type: 'basic.Jump',
size: { width: 5, height: 5 },
attrs: {
circle: { width: 50, height: 30, fill: '#1E90FF' },
text: { text: 'Jump', fill: '#ffffff', 'font-size': 10, stroke: '#000000', 'stroke-width': 0 }
When I add this shape to paper it renders great and looks like this:
This shape can be successfully saved as JSON but it cannot be loaded using function fromJSON
and the Console error is the following:
How should I overcome this problem?
I solved my problem via a very clever way:
Since my problem was that I couldn't load my graph which consisted of shapes basic.Jump
, now before loading my graph via function fromjson
I turn the type of these shapes to basic.Circle so as to be able to render the graph and after successfully rendering the graph I set them again to basic.Jump
And now I can Save/Load graphs without this error.