I have such code snippet that used to be work with the previous versions of Google Chrome, but now it does not work. When I run this script I redirected to the page with the content of the file(it's a text) and with AWS URL(the same as in setAttribute).
var element = document.createElement('a');
element.setAttribute('href', 'https://s3-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/XXX/XXX/XXX?Signature=XXX&Expires=XXX&AWSAccessKeyId=XXX');
element.setAttribute('download', 'filename.txt');
How to download this file?
I made an error in the comments. Chrome still favours download attribute, but it completely ignores it if the anchor element has cross origin attributes ( meaning, if the file is hosted on a different domain).
To be able to download it, file needs to be served with header: Content-Disposition: attachment;
Check this tutorial to see how to set Content-Disposition in s3 management console: http://iwantmyreal.name/s3-download-only-presigned-upload