I read that its better to use @HostBinding instead of :host. So i think about change my component.ts
host: {
'class': 'cover',
'[class.uploading]': 'uploadProgress > 0',
This works fine, but when i change it to:
export class Cover {
@HostBinding('class') classes = 'mark6-cover';
@HostBinding('[class.uploading]') uploadProgress > 0;
@Input() uploadProgress = null;
i get errors and nothing works. What i did wrong here? And how can i make the variable uploadProgress to a observable?
A counterpart to '[class.uploading]': 'uploadProgress > 0'
would be:
uploadProgress = null;
input can be set asynchronously from observable subscription or elsewhere.
class will be triggered for truthy uploadProgress
, which is likely the expected behaviour.
In case the condition is different (e.g. input value can be negative, while a class should be triggered for positive values only), extra property can be added:
uploadProgress = null;
get isUploading() {
return this.uploadProgress > 0;
If the condition is complex, it's preferable for a component to have OnPush
change detection strategy.