I got this error when I try to test my PayPal integration from Braintree.
Here is my client code (actually copy from official site and make little modification):
authorization: ClientToken
}, function(err, clientInstance) {
if (err) {
// Create a PayPal Checkout component.
client: clientInstance
}, function (paypalCheckoutErr, paypalCheckoutInstance) {
// Stop if there was a problem creating PayPal Checkout.
// This could happen if there was a network error or if it's incorrectly
// configured.
if (paypalCheckoutErr) {
console.error('Error creating PayPal Checkout:', paypalCheckoutErr); // Error from this line
Error creating PayPal Checkout:
name: "BraintreeError",
message: "A linked PayPal Sandbox account is required to use PayPal Checkout in Sandbox. See https://developers.braintreepayments.com/guides/paypal/testing-go-live/#linked-paypal-testing for details on linking your PayPal sandbox with Braintree.",
type: "MERCHANT",
details: undefined
I have actually link my PayPal sandbox account (from the Braintree control panel) and surprisingly cannot find any useful information about this error. Of course I have read through https://developers.braintreepayments.com/guides/paypal/testing-go-live/node#linked-paypal-testing.
I finally turn out open another Braintree sandbox account solve this problem. It is weird however I cannot solve by anything else.