
How to run PHP with Firebird InterBase in VestaCP (CentOS)

I'm running VPS with VestaCP (CentOS) and I had previously installed InterBase for PHP 7.0.30, but after an yum-update and v-update-sys-vesta-all interbase was no longer running.

Here is what I've got so far:

I tried to follow PHP InterBase documentation on this, but I realized I have to compile it and add extra parameter on run, but the problem is that VestaCP uses different directories and libraries so I don't want to mess up my VPS.

Has anybody dealt with this? Any "howto's" to follow?


  • This answer is what @Mark Rotteveel already pointed out in the comments, but only with additional steps.

    I had to compile PHP 7.1.17 from source with --with-interbase[=DIR] in configuration and then include it in php.ini


    I found even faster way to do this automatically (if only I had known this earlier I would have saved few hours of research).


    Just run yum -y install php php-interbase and you will be all set.