I'm using npm to run a build and I'm trying to override my .npmrc config options using cmd line flags. However npm insists on passing these flags directly to my script rather than reading them as config options as described in the docs. What am I doing wrong?
From the cmd line I try to build a Tizen pacakge like so:
npm run package --tizen_profile myprofile
inside my package.json I have:
"package": "tizen package -t wgt --sign $npm_package_config_tizen_profile -- .buildResult/wgt -o .buildResult/wgt"
The result from running the command is:
package: `tizen package -t wgt --sign $npm_package_config_tizen_profile -- .buildResult/wgt -o .buildResult/wgt "myprofile"`
Where it should be:
package: `tizen package -t wgt --sign "myprofile"_tizen_profile -- .buildResult/wgt -o .buildResult/wgt`
It's like npm is merely appending the cmd line argument to the script command instead of plugging it in like a variable as described in the docs: https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/config
Has there been a recent update to npm which deprecates and removes this ability? I just updated to npm 6.x but it was working this way on 5.x as well.
The documentation is flawed as it doesn't tell you the correct syntax for passing npm config properties. I had to use:
npm run package --mypackagename:tizen_profile="myprofile"
where mypackagename is the name property used in package.json. Also note the key value syntax is --key=value
and not --key value
as described in the docs. Again, --key
would be packagename:key using the name specified at the top level of your package.json