
Apk fails CTS test: shouldNotFIndUnexpectedIntents, no idea why


A client of ours has integrated our SDK library for Android. They try to pass Google's compatibility test (CTS).

The issue:

They failed CTS test suit with the following message: android.signature.cts.intent.intentTest#shouldNotFindUnexpectedIntents | Result fail | java.lang.AssertionError: [package <their package> Invalid Intent: [android.intent.action.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETE]].

The main question:

My goal is to help them pass this test but I'm not sure what the real problem is and how to solve it. Can anyone help?


1) I cannot currently extract information from our client at all about their host apk. All I know is that they're testing a priv-app apk for Android 8.0 devices. (It's legitimately a priv-app and should be). I cannot be sure for the next few days but I believe their targetSdk is 26 (i.e., Android 8.0.0)

2) Our SDK library contains a Broadcast Receiver that's defined as following:

<receiver android:enabled="true" android:exported="false" android:name="<our Broadcast Receiver class path>">
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED"/>
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MY_PACKAGE_REPLACED"/>
            <action android:name="com.dt.ignite.startService"/>
            <action android:name="<our package>.<our custom intent name 1>"/>
            <action android:name="<our package>.<our custom intent name 2>"/>
            <action android:name="<our package>.<our custom intent name 3>"/>

3) Looking at the source code of this specific CTS test ( I understand it's failing because the ApplicationInfo of this apk contains an Intent which is not a "platform Intent", specifically "BROADCAST_COMPLETE". (

4) The above made me think of Google's newly introduced "Background Limitations" and how they ban implicit Intent receivers from Android 8.0 and on. However, it is stated that BROADCAST_COMPLETE would be exempt from this ban. (


  • The test in question checks if any Intents are referenced in the manifest that are NOT Platform Intents. It does this by checking for all Intents that start with android.intent.action that are not in the list of Platform Intents.

    To pass the test you will need to either remove BOOT_COMPLETED from the <intent-filter> or replace it with a suitable Platform Intent

    See also this problem report: