I have a setup with a tabBarController going to four navigation controllers which contain go further to some child view controllers. In this instance, I am trying to go to one of the child view controllers of the navigation controller. I've been able to transition tabBar pages with the code. self.tabBarController?.selectedIndex = 4 But after I need to go to perform a segue to a child view controller on from this page. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1) Store your tab bar child controllers as a property in an array in your UITabBarController
, e.g.
var tabViewControllers: [UIViewController]!
2) After setting self.tabBarController?.selectedIndex = desiredIndex
, ask target child to perform desired actions.
let targetNavigationController = self.tabViewControllers[desiredIndex] as? UINavigationController
let yourTargetViewController = targetNavigationController?.viewControllers.first as? YourTargetViewController
// From here do whatever you want: call functions, perform segues, push to navigation stack or present modals, e.g.: