
Problems connecting to nodemcu via johnny-five

I'm really having trouble connecting to my ESP8266. I was working with this setup for long time now and I didn't have to flash my boards. Now after having to use a different wifi i needed to flash the board. After doing the following

I can't connect via Johnny-Five anymore (getting the usual timeout error). I couldn't narrow down what it exaclty is (and I have been trying all day) but these are things that I have noticed (Using ConfigurableFirmata directly as well as using firmatabuilder and StandardWifiFirmata, all with the same behaviour)

I just can't narrow down the reason. I hope you guys can.


  • OK,

    this was a simple user mistake. But since I lost a whole day searching for the error and I think others might too, I'll share my mistake here.

    As I pointed out I created the Firmata as Client (thinking its a client to my Hotspot). But you will have to create it as a server (as you want to connect to the board)

    It's as simple as that. If you are on make sure you choose TCP Server if you want to connect to your board.