Trying to write a test for a helper method that uses acts_as_tree.
Helper method uses a count for children:
if category.children.size > 0
In my test, I'm creating a parent and child:
parent = Factory.create(:category)
child = Factory.create(:category, :parent_id =>
But in my test (and in my helper when run by the test), parent.child.size is 0
Is there some limitation that my helper spec can't use acts_as_tree? Can I include it somehow? Or should I be stubbing that somehow?
RSpec's stub_chain
can deal with situations where you need to stub a chain of method calls on an object. The syntax is slightly different in helper specs vs. view specs:
# helper
helper.stub_chain(:category,:children,:size,:>).with(0) { true }
# view
view.stub_chain(:category,:children,:size,:>).with(0) { true }