
get data from hashmap into highcharts

Im new to angular and charts, so i choose to work with highcharts, i have this service that return a hashmap i want to put the values into vertical bar i want so replace the static data with the dynamic data from the service using this way:

chart = new Chart({
  chart: {
    type: 'column'
  title: {
    text: 'errors'
  credits: {
    enabled: false
  series: [{
    name: 'Population',


and this is my service inside ngOnInit:

this.dashboardHttpService.exceptionsByMicroseviceDaily().subscribe(success=> {;

i got no result, please how vertical bar of high charts work with hashmap

this is what console.log( renders:
{Timeout: 180, ClientHandler: 307, Transport: 199, UnknownHost: 127, Reflections: 140}


and this is what i put on my html page:


 <div class="content"> <div [chart]="chart"></div>

everything works fine with static data so there's no dependancy or configuration missing or something like that.


  • The reason the chart does not work is because your series will look like the following when you assigned the dynamic to the chart:

    series: [{
        name: 'Population',
        data: [Timeout: 180, ClientHandler: 307, Transport: 199, UnknownHost: 127, Reflections: 140]

    This is an incorrect format for series. The format should be one of the two below:

    Plot all data points as one

    series [{ name: 'Population', data:[180, 307, 199, 127, 140] }]

    Plot all data points as a serie per name

    series [{ name: 'Timeout', data: [180] }, { name: 'ClientHandler', data: [307] }, { ... }]

    So, you would need to write a loop which divides the response into one of the above formats. Seeing your chart structure, I think you are looking for the second approach.

    I made a simple for-loop which extracts the data from the object for demo purposes:

    var testdata = {Timeout: 180, ClientHandler: 307, Transport: 199, UnknownHost: 127, Reflections: 140}
    var chartdata = []
    var i = 0;
    Object.keys(testdata).forEach(function(key) {
      chartdata[i++] = {name: key, data: [testdata[key]]};

    After this loop, chartdata will be looking like:

    [{ name: 'Timeout', data: [180] }, { name: 'ClientHandler', data: [307] }, { ... }]

    All which is left is change the code from series to accept the chartdata as the whole series object:

    series: chartdata

    The chart will work.

    Here you can find a very simple JSFiddle showing this.