Unrolling an SQLite pivot query for a static ORM, the problem is that it needs nulls for missing values.
table student
student_id | name
1 "Fred"
2 "Tim"
table grade
student_id | data_id | grade
1 1 5.0
1 2 5.0
2 2 5.0
table data
data_id | description
1 "summer"
2 "autumn"
I need the results to include a null row for the static ORM to tablulate correctly. In my mind, that should mean a LEFT join:
SELECT * FROM student
join grade using (student_id)
ON grade.data_id = data.data_id
As Tim was absent for his summer exam, there is no row for student_id | data_id PK_pair(2,1) in table grade.
The query currently returns:
sID | name | dID | grade | description
"1" "Fred" "1" "5.0" "summer"
"1" "Fred" "2" "5.0" "autumn"
"2" "Tim" "2" "5.0" "autumn"
This row is missing in result:
sID | name | dID | grade | description
"2" "Tim" "1" null "summer"
Left join returns inner join rows plus unmatched left table rows extended by nulls. If you think you want a left join then you need to identify the associated inner join. Here you don't seem to know the tables & condition. But you seem to at least want a row for every possible student-data pair; indeed, for every combination of (student_id, name) & (data_id, description). So those must be in the left table. Also, column grade is null, so presumably it's involved with the right table. Maybe you want:
select *
from students
natural join data
left natural join grade
I picked that query because it's (for no nulls in common columns & no duplicate rows):
/* rows where
student [student_id] has name [name]
and term [data_id] has description [description]
and (student [student_id] got grade [grade] in term [data_id]
or not exists grade [student [student_id] got grade [grade] in term [data_id]]
and [grade] is null
Sqlite left join composite keys
Although constraints tell us some things about a query result, they aren't needed to query. What is needed is the query result's membership criterion, ie its (characteristic) predicate. Which in this case I gave in that code comment. Notice how it is built from the base tables' criteria/predicates:
natural join
holds rows satisfying the and
of its tables' criteria/predicates. left natural join
holds rows satisfying the and
of its left table's membership criterion with a certain or
using the right table's criterion/predicate & the condition that each column unique to the right table is null
. Is there any rule of thumb to construct SQL query from a human-readable description?.
(If columns description
& name
had the same name then you'd have to either rename one before the natural join
or use inner join
using (student_id, data_id)
. But again, that would arise from composing the appropriate predicate.)