I am trying to upload a sample document from Salesforce Apex class to IBM Watson. I am trying with the following snippet but am getting this error
"23:13:17:000 USER_DEBUG "error" : "Request timed out, please try again."
Somehow it is getting timed out.
Blob fileBlob = Blob.valueOf('This is a sample pdf file');
IBMDiscoveryV1 discovery = new IBMDiscoveryV1('2017-11-07');
IBMDiscoveryV1Models.AddDocumentOptionsBuilder builder = new IBMDiscoveryV1Models.AddDocumentOptionsBuilder(
IBMWatsonFile.FileBuilder fileBuilder = new IBMWatsonFile.FileBuilder();
IBMWatsonFile file = fileBuilder.build();
IBMDiscoveryV1Models.AddDocumentOptions options = builder.build();
IBMDiscoveryV1Models.DocumentAccepted docAccepted = discovery.addDocument(options);
There was a problem with the IBM Watson Salesforce SDK and that's why you were getting a timeout. The issue was fixed in this pull request and released in v1.4.0
The problem was that we were sending the wrong mime-type
) and we were not sending the filename in the multi-part request.