For anybody who has worked with snapshotting sceneview screens, you would know what I mean when I say the photo output appears much darker then the screen you are capturing. How can I capture photo output of the sceneview that shows the sceneviews brightness. Im not sure how to ask this question better but essentially this is how I am capturing the sceneview.
@IBAction func ARSnapTapped(_ sender: Any) {
if !draw {
let newImg: UIImage = self.sceneView.snapshot()
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.imageTaken.image = newImg
self.imageTakenView.isHidden = false
self.image = newImg
This is the solution for anybody looking to enhance the snapshot output lighting when taking snapshots of sceneview in swift.
if let camera = sceneView.pointOfView?.camera {
camera.wantsHDR = true
camera.wantsExposureAdaptation = true
camera.whitePoint = 1.0
camera.exposureOffset = 1
camera.minimumExposure = 1
camera.maximumExposure = 1
Adjusting the values for exposureOffset and min/max will brighten/darken the output from the screenshot.