I have a class Edge : public QGraphicsItem
, which implements drawing arrows from one Node to another (screen below).
Now I need to add the ability to draw an arrow on yourself (arc).
I cannot draw an arc, override boundingRect()
and shape()
Code below where I draw an arrow or an arc. Full project here -> github.
Edge::Edge(Node *sourceNode, Node *destNode)
: id(_idStatic++), arrowSize(15)
source = sourceNode;
dest = destNode;
if(source != dest)
QPolygonF Edge::nPolygonMath() const {
QPolygonF nPolygon;
if (source != dest) {
QLineF line = QLineF(sourcePoint.x(), sourcePoint.y(), destPoint.x(), destPoint.y());
qreal radAngle = line.angle() * M_PI / 180;
qreal selectionOffset = 3;
qreal dx = selectionOffset * sin(radAngle);
qreal dy = selectionOffset * cos(radAngle);
QPointF offset1 = QPointF(dx, dy);
QPointF offset2 = QPointF(-dx, -dy);
nPolygon << line.p1() + offset1
<< line.p1() + offset2
<< line.p2() + offset2
<< line.p2() + offset1;
} else {
nPolygon << mapFromItem(source, -Node::Radius, -Node::Radius)
<< mapFromItem(source, Node::Radius, -Node::Radius)
<< mapFromItem(source, Node::Radius, Node::Radius)
<< mapFromItem(source, -Node::Radius, Node::Radius);
return nPolygon;
QRectF Edge::boundingRect() const
if (!source || !dest)
return QRectF();
return nPolygonMath().boundingRect();
QPainterPath Edge::shape() const{
QPainterPath ret;
return ret;
void Edge::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *)
if (!source || !dest)
painter->setPen(QPen((option->state & QStyle::State_Selected ? Qt::cyan: Qt::black), 2, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin));
if (source != dest) {
QLineF line(sourcePoint, destPoint);
if (qFuzzyCompare(line.length(), qreal(0.)))
// Draw the line itself
// Draw the arrows
double angle = std::atan2(-line.dy(), line.dx());
QPointF destArrowP1 = destPoint + QPointF(sin(angle - M_PI / 1.8) * qMin(arrowSize, line.length()),
cos(angle - M_PI / 1.8) * qMin(arrowSize, line.length()));
QPointF destArrowP2 = destPoint + QPointF(sin(angle - M_PI + M_PI / 1.8) * qMin(arrowSize, line.length()),
cos(angle - M_PI + M_PI / 1.8) * qMin(arrowSize, line.length()));
painter->setBrush((option->state & QStyle::State_Selected ? Qt::cyan: Qt::black));
painter->drawPolygon(QPolygonF() << line.p2() << destArrowP1 << destArrowP2);
} else {
painter->drawArc(mapFromItem(source, Node::Radius, 0).x(),
mapFromItem(source, Node::Radius, 0).y(),
2 * Node::Radius, 2 * Node::Radius, 16 * -90, 16 * 180);
The rectangle that is needed as boundingRect()
must have as bottomLeft the center of the circle, I have also eliminated the nPolygonMath
and instead I have used shape to return a QPainterPath
, and this is used in boundingRect()
#ifndef EDGE_H
#define EDGE_H
#include <QGraphicsItem>
class Node;
class Edge : public QGraphicsItem
Edge(Node *sourceNode, Node *destNode);
virtual ~Edge();
const uint id;
Node *sourceNode() const;
Node *destNode() const;
void adjust();
enum { Type = UserType + 2 };
int type() const override { return Type; }
QRectF boundingRect() const override;
QPainterPath shape() const override;
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) override;
Node *source, *dest;
QPointF sourcePoint;
QPointF destPoint;
qreal arrowSize;
static uint _idStatic;
#endif // EDGE_H
#include "edge.h"
#include "node.h"
#include <qmath.h>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QStyleOption>
uint Edge::_idStatic = 0;
Edge::Edge(Node *sourceNode, Node *destNode)
: id(_idStatic++), arrowSize(15)
source = sourceNode;
dest = destNode;
if(source != dest)
if (source != dest)
Node *Edge::sourceNode() const
return source;
Node *Edge::destNode() const
return dest;
void Edge::adjust()
if (!source || !dest)
if(source != dest) {
QLineF line(mapFromItem(source, 0, 0), mapFromItem(dest, 0, 0));
qreal length = line.length();
if (length > qreal(2 * Node::Radius)) {
QPointF edgeOffset((line.dx() * Node::Radius) / length, (line.dy() * Node::Radius) / length);
sourcePoint = line.p1() + edgeOffset;
destPoint = line.p2() - edgeOffset;
} else {
sourcePoint = destPoint = line.p1();
} else {
sourcePoint = mapFromItem(source, 0, Node::Radius);
destPoint = mapFromItem(source, Node::Radius, 0);
QPainterPath Edge::shape() const {
QPainterPath path;
if (source != dest) {
QLineF line = QLineF(sourcePoint.x(), sourcePoint.y(), destPoint.x(), destPoint.y());
qreal radAngle = line.angle() * M_PI / 180;
qreal selectionOffset = 3;
qreal dx = selectionOffset * sin(radAngle);
qreal dy = selectionOffset * cos(radAngle);
QPointF offset1 = QPointF(dx, dy);
QPointF offset2 = QPointF(-dx, -dy);
path.moveTo(line.p1() + offset1);
path.lineTo(line.p1() + offset2);
path.lineTo( line.p2() + offset2);
path.lineTo( line.p2() + offset1);
} else {
QRectF r= mapRectFromItem(source, source->boundingRect());
return path;
QRectF Edge::boundingRect() const
if (!source || !dest)
return QRectF();
return shape().boundingRect();
void Edge::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *)
if (!source || !dest)
double angle;
QPointF peak, destArrowP1, destArrowP2;
painter->setPen(QPen((option->state & QStyle::State_Selected ? Qt::cyan: Qt::black), 2, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin));
if (source != dest) {
QLineF line(sourcePoint, destPoint);
if (qFuzzyCompare(line.length(), qreal(0.)))
// Draw the line itself
// Draw the arrows
angle = std::atan2(-line.dy(), line.dx());
peak = line.p2();
destArrowP1 = destPoint + QPointF(sin(angle - M_PI / 1.8) * qMin(arrowSize, line.length()),
cos(angle - M_PI / 1.8) * qMin(arrowSize, line.length()));
destArrowP2 = destPoint + QPointF(sin(angle - M_PI + M_PI / 1.8) * qMin(arrowSize, line.length()),
cos(angle - M_PI + M_PI / 1.8) * qMin(arrowSize, line.length()));
} else {
painter->drawArc(boundingRect().toRect(), 16 * -90, 16 * 270);
angle = 1.06*M_PI;
destArrowP1 = destPoint + QPointF(sin(angle - M_PI / 1.8) * arrowSize,
cos(angle - M_PI / 1.8) * arrowSize);
destArrowP2 = destPoint + QPointF(sin(angle - M_PI + M_PI / 1.8)* arrowSize,
cos(angle - M_PI + M_PI / 1.8) * arrowSize);
painter->setBrush((option->state & QStyle::State_Selected ? Qt::cyan: Qt::black));
peak = QPointF(boundingRect().center().x(), boundingRect().bottom());
painter->setBrush((option->state & QStyle::State_Selected ? Qt::cyan: Qt::black));
painter->drawPolygon(QPolygonF() << peak << destArrowP1 << destArrowP2);
The complete example can be found in the following link.