
Scipy.signal.spectrogram output lengths

I am trying to analyze the frequencies of a song at certain points of time held inside an array.

I am using the scipy.signal.spectrogram function to generate those frequencies. the length of the song is 2:44, or 164 seconds, and the sampling rate of the scipy.wavfile read is 44100.

When I use spectrogram:

f, t, Sxx= signal.spectrogram(data[:, 1], sr)

The length of f is really small, 129 elements. t is longer, at 32322, but still a long shot away from the 7240320 sampling windows in the original

(data[:, 1] is the right channel of the audio data)


  • The length of the f the default nperseg of the stft 256 divided by 2 (only the positive side of the frequency scale) + 1 (frequency 0). The number of samples in time is achieved by

    t.size = len(data[:, 1]) / nperseg * (1 + noverlap) 

    where noverlap is 256/8=32.