
Upload to pypi from Gitlab Pipelines

I'm trying to upload a package to pypi using a Gitlab CI job, but I cannot make it work :/ Anyone has a working example?

What I have tried so far in my .gitlab-ci.yaml (from my local machine all of them are working):

  1. Twine with a .pypirc file

    - echo "[distutils]" >> ~/.pypirc
    - echo "index-servers =" >> ~/.pypirc
    - echo "    pypi" >> ~/.pypirc
    - echo "" >> ~/.pypirc
    - echo "[pypi]" >> ~/.pypirc
    - 'echo "repository:" >> ~/.pypirc'
    - 'echo "username: ${PYPI_USER}" >> ~/.pypirc'
    - 'echo "password: ${PYPI_PASSWORD}" >> ~/.pypirc'
    - python3 check sdist bdist  # This will fail if your creds are bad.
    - cat ~/.pypirc
    - twine upload dist/* --config-file ~/.pypirc
  2. Same as before but with $VARIABLE

    - 'echo "username: $PYPI_USER" >> ~/.pypirc'
    - 'echo "password: $PYPI_PASSWORD" >> ~/.pypirc'
  3. Two options before but using python ... upload

  4. twine upload dist/* -u $PYPI_USER -p $PYPI_PASSWORD
  5. twine upload dist/* wiht TWINE_USERNAME and TWINE_PASSWORD environment variables.

... and always get a 403 Client Error: Invalid or non-existent authentication information. I'm running out of options...


  • I got this working, using a modified version of your code:

      stage: upload
      - pip install twine
      - rm -rf dist
      - echo "[distutils]" >> ~/.pypirc
      - echo "index-servers =" >> ~/.pypirc
      - echo "    nexus" >> ~/.pypirc
      - echo "" >> ~/.pypirc
      - echo "[nexus]" >> ~/.pypirc
      - echo "${PYPI_REPO}" >> ~/.pypirc
      - echo "${PYPI_USER}" >> ~/.pypirc
      - echo "${PYPI_PASSWORD}" >> ~/.pypirc
      - python3 check sdist bdist  # This will fail if your creds are bad.
      - python sdist bdist_wheel
      - twine upload -r nexus dist/*.tar.gz

    The difference is I didn't use the "'" and got rid of the colons in the yaml; instead I set the values of the secrets as e.g., username: myuser