I am working on simulating nonhomogeneous processes to understand the neural behavior better. My code works in a way that I have, say 20
trials lasting 2
seconds each (each trial representing a spike train). Then the list SpikeTimes
gives me a list of 20
vectors where each vector corresponds to the time stamps of where the spikes occurred in that particular trial. [Eg.SpikeTimes[1]
which looks like this, 0.002250802 0.053934034...1.971574170 2.023090384
means that in the first Spike Train, spikes occurred at 0.002250802
, 0.053934034
and so on. I don't know why it also brings up a time stamps beyond my time limit of 2
seconds, but I will work on that later]. My code looks like this--
LambdaInv<- function(x){ifelse( x< 15, x/30,
ifelse(x >= 15 & x < 38, ((x-15)/46)+0.5,
ifelse(x >= 38 & x <53, ((x-38)/30)+1.0,
ifelse(x >= 53 & x< 67.4, ((x-53)/72)+1.5,
t = 0
s = 0
X = numeric(0)
NonHomoSpikes <- function(t_max){
while(t <= t_max){
u <- runif(1)
s <- s-log(u)
t <- LambdaInv(s)
X <- c(X,t)
SpikeTimes <- lapply(1:nTrials, function(x) NonHomoSpikes(2))
My problem is that, for each of the vector in the list SpikeTimes
; which gives time stamps of spikes, I also want to include the beginning (that is 0
) and the end (that is 2
) of the spike train. So I want to append this list to have each vector include the first entry as 0
and the last entry as 2
My SpikeTimes[1]
would then look like 0 0.002250802 0.053934034...1.971574170 2
and other SpikeTimes[i]
would look similar. I tried SpikeTimes <- c(0, SpikeTimes)
for entering 0
in the beginning but it only made the list have 21 vectors instead of 20 with the vector 0
as the first element (I mean I get why that happened). How can I do it in a way that doesn't make my code slow? I am newbie in R and reading up on the internet hasn't help with this particular problem. I would appreciate any sort of input.
Solution: change NonHomoSpikes
statement to return(c(0, X, 2))
To 'manually' stop if t < 2
(as described in comments):
NonHomoSpikes <- function(t_max){
while(t <= t_max){
u <- runif(1)
s <- s-log(u)
t <- LambdaInv(s)
if(t > 2) break
X <- c(X,t)