
How to implement Comparable in KotlinPoet?

Submitted by Fleshgrinder on GitHub.

How is it possible to implement Comparable for the class that is currently being generated?

There is the ParameterizedTypeName.get(Comparable::class, ?) method but it is unclear how the second parameter could be passed. The only thing available while generating a class is the ClassName of it.

Minimal example:

FileSpec.builder("com.fleshgrinder", "KotlinPoet").apply {
    val className = ClassName("com.fleshgrinder", "KotlinPoet")
    addType(TypeSpec.classBuilder(className).apply {
        addSuperinterface(ParameterizedTypeName.get(Comparable::class, Any::class))

Which generates:

package com.fleshgrinder

import kotlin.Any
import kotlin.Comparable

class KotlinPoet : Comparable<Any>

What I would like to have:

package com.fleshgrinder

class KotlinPoet : Comparable<KotlinPoet>


  • ClassName has the following extension method:

    fun ClassName.parameterizedBy(vararg typeArguments: TypeName)

    Here's how you can apply it to your use case:

    val className = ClassName("com.fleshgrinder", "KotlinPoet")
    val comparable = Comparable::class.asClassName().parameterizedBy(className)

    Please note that due to an IDE bug you'll need to manually add the following import:

    import com.squareup.kotlinpoet.ParameterizedTypeName.Companion.parameterizedBy