Given below is a part of my whole program:
void filewrite(fstream &f2)
here f2 is the file pointer customerno,customername and product are strings 0,24 and 56 are respective positions for these strings from the beginning
the problem i m facing is, everytime i m trying to write a new record it is over writing the previous one and not going to the next line.
i want each new record to be aligned with 0th, 24th and 56th position. how should i do this ? Thanks in advance.
You are giving yourself a challenging problem if you use that method. You want to use std::setw()
to do this for you.
Here is a far simpler method to do this:
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void filewrite(ofstream &f, string customerno, string customername, string product)
f << left << setw(24) << customerno << setw(32) << customername << product << endl;