I want to use a LEFT JOIN
to fetch products and their (optional) attributes.
I have types like:
type ProductPGR = ProductPoly (Column (PGID Product)) (Column PGText)
type ProductAttributePGR = ProductAttributePoly (Column (PGID ProductAttribute)) (Column (PGID Product)) (Column PGInt4)
My intention was to use:
(p :: ProductPGR, pa :: Maybe ProductAttributePGR) <- leftJoinF
(\p' pa' -> (p', Just pa'))
(\p' -> (p', Nothing))
(\p' pa' -> productId p' .== paProductId pa')
productAttributeQuery -< ()
This doesn't compile because:
No instance for (Default
(Column (PGID ProductAttribute))
(Column (PGID Product))
(Column PGInt4))))
(Column (PGID ProductAttribute))
(Column (PGID Product))
(Column PGInt4))))
arising from a use of ‘leftJoinF’
Am I really supposed to define this instance? What is it for and how would I do that?
Or if I'm not supposed to use Maybe
, what else would I do?
You can't return a Maybe
out of a functional join. Functional join allows you to avoid Nullable
in the sense that it hides the IS NULL
check from you. It doesn't allow you to "lift the nullability" onto the Haskell side.