
How can I relaunch/update/refresh the card again using Apps Script

I'm having a nightmare doing a lot of scenarios using Apps Script, but nothing works! I have a function that makes a GET request returns an array of cards. Now, sometimes I need this card refreshes again to fetch the new content.

function listTemplatesCards(){
  var getAllTemplates = getTemplates();
  var allTemplates = getAllTemplates.templates;
  var theUserSlug = getAllTemplates.user_slug;
  var templateCards = [];

  //There are templates
  if(allTemplates.length > 0){
      templateCards.push(templateCard(template, theUserSlug).build());
    return templateCards;

This function is called on onTriggerFunction. Now, if I moved to another card and I wanted to back again to the root but in clean and clear way, I use this but it doesn't work:

  //Move the user to the root card again
  var refreshNav = CardService.newNavigation().popToRoot();
  return CardService.newActionResponseBuilder().setStateChanged(true).setNavigation(refreshNav).build();

Simply, what I want is once the user clicks on Refresh button, the card refreshes/updates itself to make the call again and get the new data.


  • The only way I've found to do this is to always use a single card for the root. In the main function (named in the appscript.json onTriggerFunction), return only a single card, not an array of cards. You can then use popToRoot().updateCard(...) and it works.