
PHP Goutte Web Scraping

I want to scrape this:

<a class="pdt_title"> 
  Japan Sun Apple - Fuji
  <span class="pdt_Tweight">2 per pack</span>

This is my code:

use Goutte\Client;
$client = new Client();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', '');
foreach ($crawler->filter('a.pdt_title') as $node) {
    print $node->nodeValue."\n";

I only want to scrape the text inside "a" tag without the text inside "span" tag. How to only get the text inside "a" tag?


  • Looking at the HTML markup, the text node that you want falls into the first child of the anchor. Since each $node is an instance of DOMElement, you can use ->firstChild (targeting the text node), then use ->nodeValue:

    foreach ($crawler->filter('a.pdt_title') as $node) {
        echo $node->firstChild->nodeValue . "\n";

    Another alternative is to use xpath, via ->filterXpath(), its in the docs by the way:

    foreach ($crawler->filterXpath('//a[@class="pdt_title"]/text()') as $text) {
        echo $text->nodeValue , "\n";

    Related docs:

    The xpath query just targets the anchor with that class and then the text.

    Or another one liner. It returns an array, extracting the texts:

    $output = $crawler->filterXpath('//a[@class="pdt_title"]/text()')->extract(array('_text'));

    Related DOM Docs: