
how to analyze any text with IBM watson sentiment analysis

I am using IBM watsons SDK for Nodejs watson-developer-cloud/natural-language-understanding/v1.js and I am analyzing lines of text like 'I love Fridays and I hate Mondays' with this I have to define the targets which are Friday and Monday I wish to analyze any given line of text without setting the targets everytime

using the following code

 var nlu = new NaturalLanguageUnderstandingV1({
username: "",
password: "",
version: "2017-02-27",

  text: "Iphone rocks , the android phone sucks",
  features: {
    sentiment: {
      targets: ["iphone", "android"]

I can use another API to find out the entities and then call this function but is there any other way?


  • You can use the "entities.sentiment" sub-feature of entities documented here.