I need to get distance in meters on a v-rep proximity sensor coded in java
I can only know if it detects an obstacle or not, but not the distance
Any idea?
The way I have found to do this is to create a child script on the proximity sensor. In V-Rep, with the proximity sensor selected, go to Add --> associated child script --> Non-Threaded
then make the sysCall_actuation()
look something like:
function sysCall_actuation()
local name = sim.getObjectName(sim.getObjectAssociatedWithScript(sim.handle_self))
result,distance,detectedPoint,detectedObjectHandle = sim.handleProximitySensor(sim.handle_self)
if distance then
sim.setFloatSignal("mydistance", distance);
this reads the distance from the proximity sensor and pushes it to a signal (like a cross-platform variable type thing). Then on the java side have something like this:
FloatW val = new FloatW(-1);
vrep.simxGetFloatSignal(clientID, "mydistance", val, remoteApi.simx_opmode_buffer);//call this with simx_opmode_streaming once before this to start vrep streaming the distances
this gets the value sent from vrep and gives you the distance in the form of a FloatW.