Im using a struct with default values like this.
fileprivate struct Defaults {
static var BackgroundColor = UIColor.white
static var TextColor =
static var Title = "Default Title"
static var Message = "Default message!"
static var AnimationDuration: Double = 0.25
static var Duration: Double = 2
static var Height: CGFloat = 90
static var TitleFont: UIFont = UIFont(name: "SourceSansPro-Semibold", size: Defaults.FontSize)!
static var MessageFont: UIFont = UIFont(name: "SourceSansPro-Regular", size: Defaults.FontSize)!
static var FontSize: CGFloat = 14 {
didSet {
TitleFont = TitleFont.withSize(FontSize)
MessageFont = MessageFont.withSize(FontSize)
I have a method in which passing the these struct values as a default arguments. But in swift4 it's not working.
class func showWithAnimation(_ animationType: AnimationType = .basic(timingFunction: CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseIn)),
title: String = Defaults.Title,
message: String = Defaults.Message,
backgroundColor: UIColor = Defaults.BackgroundColor,
textColor: UIColor = Defaults.TextColor,
duration: Double = Defaults.Duration) {
Please check the total code here.
What's the work around for this ?
There are two fixes as stated below,
1) Take Defaults
out of DropdownAlert
and make it public
even properties
also as you want to pass them in method signature as below,
public struct Defaults {
public static var BackgroundColor = UIColor.white
public static var TextColor =
public static var Title = "Default Title"
class func showWithAnimation(_ animationType: AnimationType = .basic(timingFunction: CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseIn)),
title: String = Defaults.Title,
message: String = Defaults.Message) {
2) Keep Defaults
inside DropdownAlert
but make it public
including properties
also. And access as below,
class func showWithAnimation(_ animationType: AnimationType = .basic(timingFunction: CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseIn)),
title: String = DropdownAlert.Defaults.Title,
message: String = DropdownAlert.Defaults.Message) {