I'm using Logical replication. I made subscription like below.
=# CREATE SUBSCRIPTION mysub CONNECTION 'host=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port=5432
user=postgres dbname=mydb password=<password>' PUBLICATION mypub;
NOTICE: created replication slot "mysub" on publisher
But I wonder if I can use .pgpass file to provide password. Of course, I tried it. But it failed like below.
=# CREATE SUBSCRIPTION mysub CONNECTION 'host=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port=5432
user=postgres dbname=mydb' PUBLICATION mypub;
ERROR: could not connect to the publisher: fe_sendauth: no password supplied
[My .pgpass]
This .pgpass file works well for pgAgent.
Can I use .pgpass file for logical replication? or Should I write my password in CREATE statement? If writing password in CREATE command is the only answer, is it secure?
CONNECTION 'conninfo' The connection string to the publisher. For details see
Specifies the name of the file used to store passwords (see Section 33.15). Defaults to ~/.pgpass
So yes - it should work. Lets mock up. First I deliberately use bad passfile to see if it's reflected in error:
t=# CREATE SUBSCRIPTION mysub CONNECTION 'host=localhost port=5433 passfile=/tmp/p user=vao dbname=t' PUBLICATION mypub;
ERROR: could not connect to the publisher: fe_sendauth: no password supplied
no, it's not, but checking logs does:
-bash-4.2$ tail /pg/d10/log/postgresql-Tue.log | grep WARN | tail -n 1
WARNING: password file "/tmp/p" has group or world access; permissions should be u=rw (0600) or less
ok, try using the default:
t=# CREATE SUBSCRIPTION mysub CONNECTION 'host=localhost port=5433 user=vao dbname=t' PUBLICATION mypub;
ERROR: could not connect to the publisher: fe_sendauth: no password supplied
and this time even no warning! so checking chmod:
-bash-4.2$ ll ~/.pgpass
-r-------- 1 postgres postgres 1227 May 15 15:00 /home/vao/.pgpass
looks good, but aha - no line for this connection, because below asks for password:
-bash-4.2$ psql -h localhost -p 5433 -U vao t
Password for user vao:
echo '*:*:*:vao:blah' > ~/.pgpass
-bash-4.2$ psql -h localhost -p 5433 -U vao t
psql: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "vao"
password retrieved from file "/var/lib/pgsql93/.pgpass"
aha - now it uses it, so back to SQL:
t=# CREATE SUBSCRIPTION mysub CONNECTION 'host=localhost port=5433 user=vao dbname=t' PUBLICATION mypub;
ERROR: could not connect to the publisher: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "vao"
password retrieved from file "/var/lib/pgsql93/.pgpass"
yes, you can use both specified and default pgpassword file for logical replication subscription