
Aurelia project resulting in pickadate is not a function

I am getting the following error and I can't figure out how to fix it. I've been more of a traditional JS developer and have been focusing exclusively on the backend lately.

I tried to manually load the specific JS file but it isn't working. I am still getting an error.

Current error is:

aurelia-logging-console.js:54 ERROR [templating-resources] TypeError: $(...).pickadate is not a function
    at HTMLDocument.eval (c-field-date.js:80)
    at fire (jquery.js:3187)
    at Object.add [as done] (jquery.js:3246)
    at jQuery.fn.init.jQuery.fn.ready (jquery.js:3496)
    at InputDate._attachPlugin (c-field-date.js:78)
    at InputDate.attached (c-field-date.js:51)
    at Controller.attached (aurelia-templating.js:3513)
    at View.attached (aurelia-templating.js:1558)
    at ViewSlot.add (aurelia-templating.js:1726)
    at eval (aurelia-templating.js:4534)

The hack I tried is as below, but it still fails:

$.getScript("/libs/pickadate.js-3.5.6/lib/picker.js", function(){

            //alert("Script loaded and executed.");
            // here you can use anything you defined in the loaded script


I heard someone mention that we may have a bug with JQuery being loaded twice but I'm not sure how to debug that.

The project is using jspm and npm.

Any ideas how to debug and/or fix this?

Note: This is not a duplicate. The other question does not relate to the error "pickadate is not a function"


  • The problem was that JQuery was being loaded twice. Removing the duplicate solved the problem.