
How do you get the geckodriver version from python selenium firefox webdriver?

I'm trying to write in some defensive code to prevent someone from executing a script should they have an older version of geckodriver installed. I cannot for the life of me seem to get the geckodriver version from the webdriver object.

The closest I found is driver.capabilities which contains the firefox browser version, but not the geckodriver version.

from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Firefox()


{'acceptInsecureCerts': True,
 'browserName': 'firefox',
 'browserVersion': '60.0',
 'moz:accessibilityChecks': False,
 'moz:headless': False,
 'moz:processID': 18584,
 'moz:profile': '/var/folders/qz/0dsxssjd1133p_y44qbdszn00000gp/T/rust_mozprofile.GsKFWZ9kFgMT',
 'moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin': False,
 'moz:webdriverClick': True,
 'pageLoadStrategy': 'normal',
 'platformName': 'darwin',
 'platformVersion': '17.5.0',
 'rotatable': False,
 'timeouts': {'implicit': 0, 'pageLoad': 300000, 'script': 30000}}

Is it possible the browser version and geckodriver versions are linked directly? if not, how can I check the geckodriver version from within python?


  • There is no method in the python bindings to get the geckodriver version, you will have to implement it yourself, my first option would be subprocess

    # Mind the encoding, it must match your system's
    output =['geckodriver', '-V'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8')
    version = output.stdout.splitlines()[0].split()[-1]