I would like to write a unit test for a view on a Django REST Framework application. The test should upload a CSV file using the POST.
def _file_upload(client, string, args, file_name):
base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
with open(base_path + file_name, 'rb') as data:
data = {
'file': data
response = client.post(reverse(string, args=[args]), data, format = "multipart")
return response.status_code, response.data
The above code I used which obviously doesn't work it shows the following error
Missing filename. Request should include a Content-Disposition header with a filename parameter.
The following code is the one that I want to test via unit testing.
class ChartOfAccounts(views.APIView):
parser_classes = (JSONParser, FileUploadParser)
def post(self, request, pk, *args, **kwargs):
csv_data = CSVUtils.format_request_csv(request.FILES['file'])
coa_data = CSVUtils.process_chart_of_accounts_csv(company, csv_data)
serializer = CoASerializer(coa_data, many=True)
if len(serializer.data) > 0:
return Utils.dispatch_success(request, serializer.data)
except Exception as e:
error = ["%s" % e]
return Utils.dispatch_failure(request, 'DATA_PARSING_ISSUE', error)
Any help regarding this is welcome. Thanks in advance
I have fixed my issue using the different approach with HTTP headers HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION, HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE by this reference
And here is my code
def _file_upload_csv( string, args, file_name):
base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
data = open(base_path + file_name, 'rb')
data = SimpleUploadedFile(content = data.read(),name = data.name,content_type='multipart/form-data')
factory = RequestFactory()
user = User.objects.get(username=UserConstant.ADMIN_USERNAME)
view = ChartOfAccounts.as_view()
content_type = 'multipart/form-data'
headers= {
'HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE': content_type,
'HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION': 'attachment; filename='+file_name}
request = factory.post(reverse(string, args=[args]),{'file': data},
force_authenticate(request, user=user)
response = view(request, args)
return response.status_code, response.data
**headers done the trick...