When I start my app made with Spring Boot 2.0.1, I always see this info log:
2018-05-08 16:36:09.409 INFO 18737 --- [localhost-startStop-1] c.netflix.spectator.atlas.AtlasRegistry : started collecting metrics every PT10S reporting to http://localhost:7101/api/v1/publish
2018-05-08 16:36:09.410 INFO 18737 --- [localhost-startStop-1] c.netflix.spectator.atlas.AtlasRegistry : common tags: {}
2018-05-08 16:36:09.410 INFO 18737 --- [localhost-startStop-1] c.netflix.spectator.atlas.AtlasRegistry : subscriptions are not enabled
What does subscriptions are not enabled
means? What does it changes? Thank you!
This refers to a somewhat hidden feature of Atlas that allows you to subscribe to particular metrics. It can be safely ignored. Regular publishing appears to be enabled.