
C# Instances share same values

programming student here, quite new to what i am about to ask but i'm sure you people will know. I have to make a game where several pictureboxes are created using an array. I also have to make a class that has a health variable of 5. When you click on one of the pictureboxes, its health has to go down by 1. I am as far as this, but the problem is that the health variable is shared by all pictureboxes, where in reality I want every picturebox to have it's own health.

This is my code:

public partial class Form1 : Form

    Invader monster; // Invader is the name of the class
    Random rand = new Random();
    PictureBox[] pb = new PictureBox[5];

    private void Spawner()
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
   = new Invader();
            this.pb[i] = new PictureBox();
            this.pb[i].Name = "pb" + i.ToString();
            this.pb[i].Location = new Point(rand.Next(10, 300), monster.LocY);
            this.pb[i].BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch;
            this.pb[i].BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(@"Path");
            this.pb[i].BackColor = Color.Transparent;
            this.pb[i].Size = new System.Drawing.Size(40, 30);
            this.pb[i].Click += this.Form1_Click;

    private void Form1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        PictureBox currentpicturebox = (PictureBox)sender;;
        if ( == 0)


and my class:

class Invader
    // Fields
    private int health;

    // Properties
    public int Health
        get { return; }

    // Constructor
    public Invader()
    { = 5;
    // Methods
    public void HealthDown()
   -= 1;

Lets say i click 1 picture box 4 times, and click another one 1 time. With this code the picturebox last clicked on will be disposed. Any ideas on how to fix this?


  • Your Invader monster is an instance variable of Form1 and in your method Spawner() inside the for loop you are reassigning it again every time: = new Invader();

    Basically when you click on a picturebox (isn't different what) in your Form1_Click method happen that is everytime your last monster istance that get it's health down and not the supposed one.

    In order to fix this you can:

    Here an example:

    public partial class Form1 : Form
        // EDIT - Become an array
        Invader[] monster = new Invader[5]; // Invader is the name of the class
        Random rand = new Random();
        PictureBox[] pb = new PictureBox[5];
        private void Spawner()
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      [i] = new Invader(); // EDIT
                this.pb[i] = new PictureBox();
                this.pb[i].Name = "pb" + i.ToString();
                this.pb[i].Location = new Point(rand.Next(10, 300), monster.LocY);
                this.pb[i].BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch;
                this.pb[i].BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(@"Path");
                this.pb[i].BackColor = Color.Transparent;
                this.pb[i].Size = new System.Drawing.Size(40, 30);
                this.pb[i].Click += this.Form1_Click;
                this.pb[i].Tag = i; // EDIT - Added tag assignation
        private void Form1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PictureBox currentpicturebox = (PictureBox)sender;
  [(int)currentpicturebox.Tag].HealthDown(); // EDIT
            if ([(int)currentpicturebox.Tag].Health == 0) //EDIT