is Azure Fucntion runtime 2.0 released now ? or it is still under preview ? What it is going to be realsed please ?
I coulnd't figure it out. Few MS documents say it is preview and some of the are saying it is alpha released ?
Azure Function 2.0 has been generally available.
The short answer is runtime 2.x is still preview. We can use it in development but not for production. As you may have seen in Azure Document.
You may have seen Alpha release in Azure function host. It is marked as pre-release.
And also you can see Runtime version: 2.0.11651.0 (beta)
in Azure portal.
Both of them means runtime 2.x is still preview and will become GA later.
In terms of deprecation, 1.x will continue to exist for a considerable amount of time after 2.x becomes GA. See GitHub issue reply.