
What is the best settings for ARKit 3D models

I am exporting 3D models from Cinema4D with .dae file format, and drag them into art.scnassets. Every time I compile the project the 3D object are too big or not in the right position. What is the best setting for models which we want to use in iOS ARKit ? I have search many topics and still not a final solution.

Edited : enter image description here


  • I have found that if your object is for instance 50cm in cinema, you need to export it as .dae (1.4, important!) and then select 0.001 meters as scale.
    Also, make sure that you position the object at 0, 0, 0 (even if you want it positioned somewhere else in the end, centering it will make editing & repositioning in Xcode easier).

    After importing, inside Xcode, click on the .dae file. Select the object in the scene, open the right inspector menu and navigate to the identity inspector.
    Then press is movable. This will convert the file to .scn which is better for editing. (is movable should still be unchecked after conversion, if not uncheck, or leave as is)

    Then, open the new .scn file and click on your object. You'll see its scale on the right in the identity inspector. If it's still not right, you can change the scale of the bounding box there and also position the object in the scene.