
Kibana 5.5 visualization data aggregation percentage

I'm using Kibana 5.5 and would like to create a visualization that shows percentage of successful transactions made to my server.

In order to do that I have a field in the document named "httpCode" and I would like to get the percentage of "httpCode: 200" out of the total transactions made.

I managed to put this in visulalization that does separate lines, but I would like to get percentage over time and not count.

Thanks, Moshe


  • Create a new bar or area chart and choose count as aggregation, set your field for Date Histogram. Next in buckets tab add Split Series and choose Filters as Sub Aggregation. Your first filter should look like that:

    Filter 1

    Use http.keyword instead if is available.

    Filter 2
    NOT httpCode:200

    Go to Metrics & Axes tab, expand LeftAxis-1 and change mode to percentage:

    Metrics & Axes example

    On my exmaple it should look like that:

    Exampel chart