I have been trying to create a custom happstack
response the 405 "Method not allowed"
so if someone calls the API
with a POST
or PUT
method they will get this response. I am new to happstack
. Any ideas how I can do that?
Well the ok :: (FilterMonad Response m) => a -> m a
function is implemented as [src]:
ok :: (FilterMonad Response m) => a -> m a ok = resp 200
So it is the same way like you would write an ok
response, except that you should use resp :: (FilterMonad Response m) => Int -> b -> m b
with a custom return code.
For example:
resp 405 "Method not allowed"
So we can for example block PUT
and POST
requests with something like:
main :: IO ()
main = simpleHTTP nullConf $ msum
[ do method GET
ok $ "This is allowed.\n"
, do method PUT
(resp 405) $ "Method not allowed"
, do method POST
(resp 405) $ "Method not allowed"